Friday 3 February 2012

Shutter Speed, F-Stops and ISO Settings

I have experimented with the dSLR considerably over the last two projects trying to find the middle ground between depth of field and grain. Sadly I have yet to find the perfect settings for a green screen shoot. As discussed in the previous project the issue with the F-Stop and ISO settings are that you are stuck between blurry lines or grainy footage, neither of which are particularly suitable for keying and compositing.

This project three in another aspect which created more problems. Shutter speed. When working in slow motion it is important it is important to increase the shutter speed to prevent motion blur, allowing for a clean crisp image at the point of standstill. However, this also reduces the amount of light entering the camera making the problem of depth of field vs grain worse. At the end of my film shoot I walked away with perfect for slow motion footage... But pretty much impossible to key without stepping and thick grey lines around the edges.

I consider everything I have done up to this point as practise for my final major project, and walked away learning an important lesson. The dSLRs produce gorgeous footage for on location shooting, but in the green screen they are less reliable. However the Z7 produces much more usable footage and this is the avenue I will go down for green screen shoots in the future.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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