Saturday 6 April 2013

Doctor Who: The Rings of Akhaten

I used to write Doctor Who episode reviews a life time ago when I ran a Doctor Who fan forum. Times have changed and I have become increasingly busy, but I still I have huge love for Doctor Who and thought I might get back into the habit of writing reviews. This blog has gone a bit unloved of late. I wish I could discuss my up and coming projects, but the one I am most excited about is top secret. There's also stuff involving rampaging elephants, and a short Film Festival entry which I shall probably blog about soon once I have the OK to show clips and pictures and what not. In the mean time. Doctor Who.

Matt Smith as a Doctor has grown on me considerably. I never really gelled with him in my post Tennant depression, though in hindsight that is mostly because I found the character of Amy Pond incredibly annoying (That isn't a dig at Karen Gillan by the way, who is a fantastic actress, but the character of Amy Pond) . Now she is out of the picture, and we have the fantastic Clara Oswald, who I love and a darker more brooding Doctor, I can fully appreciate the acting capability of Matt Smith. He's incredible.

So onto The Rings of Akhaten.

I had so much hope for this episode. The look of the episode seemed to be like the love child of Star Wars and John Carter of Mars, and really the first 20 minutes or so was stunning. Just take a moment to appreciate these VFX.

Really, I must shake the Concept Artist by the hand because, this is like nothing I've seen before. In fact the entire premise is original and completely alien, which is something New Who seems to have shied away from in the past. I just love the idea of using sentiment as a currency, and praying to keep the Gods asleep using what is effectively lullabies and bed time stories is just inspired. There were a few minor niggles (like why can't Clara understand some of the aliens the Tardis should translate for her?) which I let go of because, well it is a show aimed at children and the barking alien was quite funny, but then it started to go down hill.

The Doctors Sonic Screwdriver needs to go. I actually thought for a moment he would sell it and I rubbed my hands together with glee at the thought of him saving the day with nothing but his good looks and wits, but no. It has stopped being the device that opens doors (though it did open a rather large door) but in fact the all singing all dancing magical save the day device that gets the Doctor out of any sticky situation. It's a magic wand, he waves it and the bad things go away. It's an unsatisfying conclusion. It's a far cry from Christopher Eccleston trying to resonate concrete and then the humiliation of being saved by Captain Jack. Perhaps the Doctor has obtained a little too much alien tech.

It was all a bit down hill from there in my opinion. It's a real shame because it started out so well. Perhaps next week will be better.

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