Sunday, 30 January 2011

Canon EOS 550D SLR Camera

Well, maybe I am foolish, but I ordered one of these dSLR camera's off Amazon two days ago. The current price is £617, around £200 cheaper than the current RRP. It has arrived and it is beautiful. What I first noticed is that the body is much the same as the 1000D, except it has a rubber grip for that extra comfortable feel. It comes with an instruction manual (or 5 in different languages) that gives you a quick start guide to taking your first photo, and then a much more detailed guide on all the different settings. So far I am enjoying the Full Automatic mode, but by the end of the week I imagine I shall be investigating the depth of field, shutter speeds and exposure settings. I can not wait.

So what do you get for your money?
In short, everything a beginner needs. You get the camera body; an 18-55mm lens, which is ideal for general photography. For hard core zoom work I'd recommend purchasing a larger lens; a thick camera strap; battery; battery charger; and all the required cables for hooking it up to your computer and to a TV.

What you don't get, is an SD card. However you can purchase class 10 SD cards of a decent size for quite a decent price now. I bought a Class 10 16G SD for £16. Not bad. They also don't provide any kind of case. For me this was a bit of a downer as I didn't feel comfortable moving it out of my flat without one. However, as luck would have it, Camera Land in Morgan Arcade, Cardiff had a half price sale on a lot of their cases. Picked up a lovely one for £25. Now I'm all ready to climb through bushes and hike up mountains to take photographs :)

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